Significant technical work has been taking place to explore and plan for the necessary infrastructure and environmental, economic and sustainability work needed to support the site’s wider re-development.
Last year the council secured economic regeneration funding (Levelling Up) and has appointed Balfour Beatty to undertake the works. This will take place in two phases, starting in September 2024 with transfer of the embankment material surrounding the former coal store (over 30 acres) and involve using 175,000 cubic metres of material to infill the void where the power station was situated. This first phase is expected to be complete by spring 2025.
Phase 2 of the works will involve further demolition and ground works to create level platforms to allow for future development of up to 70 acres in size. A link road is being built to service the development areas and take pressure from the existing road network.
Inch Cape Offshore Ltd completed enabling works for its substation in autumn 2023 and construction of the building began in January. Inch Cape secured funding for its east coast offshore wind farm in the last round of contracts for difference, adjusting a previously awarded subsidy.
Planning consent has also been approved for Seagreen to construct an electricity substation on another part of the site, taking power from its offshore windfarm. Works are expected to start in 2026. Earlier this year a separate planning application was submitted to the Scottish Government's Energy Consents unit for a 342MW battery storage facility on land immediately to the south of the Scottish Power substation building on the site.
The remainder of the site extending to around 70 acres is to be divided into development land parcels and public space to provide flexibility, allowing land to be consolidated for a larger user or divided for smaller use types as well as opening up areas for public use. A number of potential economic and commercial uses have been mooted for the site and high-level discussions are proceeding.
There are also two community-led proposals, both of which have had the benefit of feasibility work funded by the council – for a port or cruise facility and the 360 National Climate Change Centre.
Advisers will be appointed to develop a marketing strategy to promote the site UK-wide and internationally.